Houtsnede, 2020-III, op MDF
Het opbouwen van de kleuren bij houtsnede 2020-III
Linoleumsnede, 2020-VIII
Houtsnede, 2020-II, kleurstudie
Woodcut, 2020-III is printed using a board of MDF instead of the birch plywood, what I normally use for my prints. At 2020-VIII I used linoleum, which is new to me, and fun to try; to find out if it brings new possibilities. The works can be seen October 2 – December 20 at the 22th O.R.T. , at Museum Mohlmann in Appingedam. But you can also view my work on Texel, at Gallery Posthuys, in Haarlem at Gallery Année, en in Nuenen at Gallery Bonnard. In december there is an exhibition of my work at Gallery INKT in Delft.